Sunday, November 8, 2009


Picture a dark alley. It is damp and dirty and there is a very distinct smell in the air; a combination of sewage, dumpsters, decaying rats, and the inescapable smell of the homeless. Now imagine a young teenage girl entering, her hair is ratted and greasy, her clothes are old and torn. She looks frightened but you feel that she is determined and desperate. You yell inside yourself for the girl to run but she will never listen. She keeps walking. Suddenly she is gone. Pulled behind a dumpster by men she never expected. Her screaming blends with the screams of the city. No one can hear her. No one cares.

You may ask yourself, “What possessed this girl to put herself in a situation like this?” Well, it’s simple, very sad but simple, nonetheless. She has an increasing addiction to drugs. It has cost her everything. She has no family, no friends, no love, no hope, and no self-respect. She will do anything to get her next fix.

Far beyond anyone’s help this young girl risks her own life to get the one thing that is ruining it. It sounds hard to believe but it is a depressing fact that much of the world is ignoring. Young kids all across the country are getting caught up in drug use more rapidly than before. It is “the cool thing to do” in so many schools and if you don’t have a drug addiction you are seen as a failure.

How did this happen? It is a hard question to answer. With the recent decline in the economy more adults are turning to drugs to fix their problems. Well if a child sees their father or their mother doing drugs why shouldn’t they? Obviously the people that are supposed to be teaching them right from wrong think it is an okay thing to do. Society is becoming weak, always looking for the easy way out of every situation. This will never lead to success. It leads to teenage girls selling their bodies to men old enough to be their fathers so they can get another high. It is a silent tragedy that happens every day. It is truly sickening.

A wakeup call is needed desperately.


  1. Wow, "Pulled behind a dumpster by men she never expected. Her screaming blends with the screams of the city. No one can hear her. No one cares." gets emotion right away out of your reader."Far beyond anyone’s help this young girl risks her own life to get the one thing that is ruining it." shows the opposition in her decisions!
    I think that you were trying to evoke emotion and feelings from the reader that would get them to want exactly what you want. You want the cycle of drugs to stop, and the prostitution of young girls for drugs, along with it.
    Is the length where it should be? Make it a little longer? Keep the emotion the same throught all the paragraphs, keep the reader wondering about this girl, what they can do to help. WAY GOOD!!!

  2. I can't see the gift. It is really hidden or not there.
    I really like the way that it reads like a story it has a really good story line.
    I agree with JAsey that you might want to may it a little bit longer. other than that really good job.

  3. I out if this if I dont do drugs I am a failure is the convention wisdom of our time.
    I think the gift you could give is the gift that I only care about my opion and those who are true friends. A true feind would never endanger you to get their next fix. Everyone has a choice you can't control that, so forcing an idea on someone may not change them but, atleast its a gift you gave.

  4. What I read was that your concerned about peoples addiction to drugs.

    What I think is that you want to someway figure out a way to help people who are addicted or maybe help people so that they dont start.

    My suggestion would be to let the readers know how your going to pull this off. How are you going to help give this gift?


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