Thursday, August 27, 2009


For as long as I have know how to write I have loved it. I've never been a fan of reading but I know it is important to examine other authors works. It helps us become more rounded writers. I can't say I hate reading because I really don't, I actually like it when I find the right book, but finding the right book turns out to be an extremely hard task.

I write in my journal every night. I love being able to write down exactly what I'm feeling in that moment and then let it go. So many of my journal entries are sad or frustrated because those are the feelings I want to get out and on paper. The things I write when I'm sitting alone in my room are the most personal and tell the most about who I really am. I'm not afraid to write exactly how I feel. I love that. I love not being afraid. I often care too much about what people think but there is that one moment that no one else matters. It cannot be explained correctly.

I often write poetry at night too. It is very alike to my journal because of how personal it is. Every poem has a story and feelings behind it from my own life. I think that is what makes poetry so raw and real. The feelings are real. The pain, the joy, the fear, it's all real. I love being able to express the way I feel in this way. I think poetry is beautiful and I deeply respect all forms of it.

So, basically, I love writing with all my heart. It is the best way to relieve stress and pain and just get every emotion out. I think it is amazing to be able to write down the way you feel one day and look back at it 20 years later and know exactly what feelings you had. I will write for the rest of my life. I don't want to be famous, I don't even want anyone to read my work most of the time. I do it for the satisfaction it brings me just by writing my ideas or emotions down.

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